Working at Google

miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2010

Colombian Salesperson

Based on variables as organizational commitment, leadership behavior, role stress and cultural factors I will describe the average salesperson in my country Colombia.

Starting with the organizational commitment I think the average salesperson has a lack of affective commitment towards their place of work. Sometimes the main bond they have with the enterprise is how much they get paid or the position they are in, therefore, it is not surprising that once they are offered a better position or a higher remuneration they will quit their current job. The reason is that many of the salespeople are students who seek for extra cash or people who really depend on the job and on the income they have to survive. Their main goal is the money and as a result they always seek for a place to work that will pay them the highest wage.
When it comes to the leadership behavior it is very clear that the manager is constantly giving its subordinates tasks, defining their roles within the store and telling them what to do. Rarely will the manager take into account the ideas of its subordinates. Salespeople depend a lot on the manager and hardly ever they will take the initiative to do something without the manager giving them the instructions.

As for the role stress, I think there is a low role ambiguity because roles are pretty well defined within each organization, but it could happen also that a salesperson may have to do something but he/she is not allowed to do so. I think there is also the possibility of the role conflict, where a salesperson could receive different contradictory orders from people in a higher position and become confused of whose order he/she must follow.

Finally, for the cultural factors I think Colombia has a high power distance and low individualism due to the definition of the roles. Since salespeople know that they must follow orders and they feel that their ideas won’t be taken into account they do not take the leadership when developing their tasks, thus they respect a lot the decisions from their superiors.

miércoles, 3 de marzo de 2010

Best Blogs

I've been checking some of my classmate's blogs and their entries are pretty interesting. But i have to say I have 2 that I liked the most:

The first one is Carlos Vallejo's blog, I like his analysis and arguments in each entry. After you read each entry it makes you think about each topic and he really gets to the point.

The other one i liked is David Perez' blog, it seems to me that he really enjoys writing on it and i like the fact that he always gives his point of view. Also the video about Colombia is very interesting for all the foreign people that visit his blog. That is a good way to educate people about our country and to start changing our image around the world.

You should check them out!!